
face mask disinfection

Another solution to the mask shortage? ORM using ozone to disinfect our face masks

Posted on March 28 By Oregon Regenerative Medicine

by Dr. Noel Peterson, ND, DAAPM Mask shortage has become a potential public health risk all on its own. Oregon’s Governor Kate Brown issued an Executive Order for all primary care clinics, hospitals, dentists, and veterinarians to conserve masks, exam gloves, surgical gloves and other … Learn More » “Another solution to the mask shortage? ORM using ozone to disinfect our face masks”

nerve pain can be helped with ultrasound-guided hydrodissection

Peripheral Nerve Pain Treatment: Advanced hydrodissection workshop at ORM

Posted on December 31 By Oregon Regenerative Medicine

JF had severe left shoulder and elbow nerve pain that had not responded to conventional orthopedic treatment. For over a year he had been unable to raise his arm above his shoulder, swim or do any manual work around his house, and the pain was … Learn More » “Peripheral Nerve Pain Treatment: Advanced hydrodissection workshop at ORM”

sleep quality is important

Avoid these 5 sleep quality disrupters to maximize the health-boosting benefits of catching Z’s

Posted on December 17 By Oregon Regenerative Medicine

Did you know that some of our most common habits interrupt our sleep quality? Sleep helps our body heal faster, improves metabolism, reduces inflammation, strengthens the immune system and aides the detoxification process. Lack of good sleep is associated with all types of chronic disease … Learn More » “Avoid these 5 sleep quality disrupters to maximize the health-boosting benefits of catching Z’s”

Dr. Noel Peterson, NUNM & OANP 2019 Living Legend Award 2019

Dr. Noel Peterson Receives 2019 Living Legend Award

Posted on December 3 By Oregon Regenerative Medicine

Our team at Oregon Regenerative Medicine is proud to announce that our founder and medical director, Dr. Noel Peterson, is the recipient of the 2019 Living Legend award given by the Oregon Association of Naturopathic Physicians (OANP) and the National University of Natural Medicine (NUNM). … Learn More » “Dr. Noel Peterson Receives 2019 Living Legend Award”

Knee Osteoarthritis: Timing is Everything

Posted on November 19 By Oregon Regenerative Medicine

by Dr. Noel Peterson, ND, DAAPM Carl’s x-rays showed he had early-stage, grade 1 or 2 knee osteoarthritis (KOA). He was a 42-year-old accountant who relished his time spent outdoors. He loved his daily walks, skiing, and biking. He kept his fitness up by working … Learn More » “Knee Osteoarthritis: Timing is Everything”

intermittent fasting, eating by the clock

Intermittent Fasting: An easy way to promote health, live longer and reverse type 2 diabetes

Posted on November 6 By Oregon Regenerative Medicine

So what is intermittent fasting? Intermittent fasting (IF) is a way of scheduling your meals so that your body goes 16 hours without caloric intake. The goal is to cycle 8-hour periods of eating with 16 hours of fasting. When limiting the time frame in … Learn More » “Intermittent Fasting: An easy way to promote health, live longer and reverse type 2 diabetes”

post injection recovery wait to run

Regenerative Injection Recovery: Exercise guidelines to help you get the most from your treatments

Posted on October 21 By Oregon Regenerative Medicine

After receiving regenerative injection therapy you may be tempted to return to activity quickly. Or you may feel you should rest for a prolonged period of time. Either way, it’s important to understand that the healing process is gradual. Even though your regenerative injection recovery … Learn More » “Regenerative Injection Recovery: Exercise guidelines to help you get the most from your treatments”

PRP eye drops saved me from having dry eyes

PRP Eye Drops: They gave me back my life

Posted on October 14 By Oregon Regenerative Medicine

Donna had never even heard of PRP eye drops. She knew she had to do something, though. “My eyes are so dry they feel like sandpaper” said Donna (name changed to protect patient privacy). “I’ve tried every kind of eye drop available, from steroids to … Learn More » “PRP Eye Drops: They gave me back my life”

negative stem cell therapy reviews ignore all the positive outcomes

Negative Stem Cell Therapy Reviews: Debunking the Debunkers

Posted on October 2 By Oregon Regenerative Medicine

Contrary to negative stem cell therapy reviews, the truth is that there are 1000’s of published studies supporting the science and clinical effectiveness of adipose and bone marrow stem cells,  and platelet-rich plasma (PRP) to treat a wide range of conditions. A few of these … Learn More » “Negative Stem Cell Therapy Reviews: Debunking the Debunkers”