
summer skin care

Are you all fired up for summer fun? Here are vital cool tips to keep your skin happy and protected!

Posted on June 12 By Oregon Regenerative Medicine

Warmer weather is upon us and as we change our wardrobe, it is important to change the way we protect our ourselves with summer skin care. With so many changes in temperature, moisture or humidity, the use of air conditioning along with the strength and … Learn More » “Are you all fired up for summer fun? Here are vital cool tips to keep your skin happy and protected!”

Daylight Saving Time – When it’s time to spring forward, be prepared

Posted on March 6 By Oregon Regenerative Medicine

Should we abolish Daylight Saving Time altogether and follow the moon and stars instead? Are you like me and have always dreaded the Spring forward sleep deprivation that occurs every March? Just when the sunrise begins to naturally sooth me out of slumber, Daylight Saving … Learn More » “Daylight Saving Time – When it’s time to spring forward, be prepared”

mediterranean diet

Does Eating a Mediterranean Diet Make You Happier?

Posted on February 7 By Oregon Regenerative Medicine

The short answer to this question about people living in the Mediterranean (and who follow the Mediterranean diet) is ‘probably!’  With a temperate climate, a close proximity to nature and a culture that promotes family and other close relationships, the Mediterranean lifestyle has incredibly attractive … Learn More » “Does Eating a Mediterranean Diet Make You Happier?”

cold plunge

Take the Plunge! A deep dive into the exhilarating world of the cold plunge and the benefits of hydrotherapy

Posted on January 18 By Oregon Regenerative Medicine

Hydrotherapy (the use of water in any form) has been around since, really, the beginning of time. The latest fad of Cold Plunging is actually not that new! Many ancient cultures have used this naturopathic modality to maintain health. There are many groups that meet … Learn More » “Take the Plunge! A deep dive into the exhilarating world of the cold plunge and the benefits of hydrotherapy”

eye health

Jeepers Peepers! Have you seen this?? Read all about it!

Posted on January 11 By Oregon Regenerative Medicine

PRP and Eye Health   “The eyes are the windows of the soul” (William Shakespeare). Eyes provide us with the ability to perceive the world around us, enabling us to connect with others and experience the beauty of life! Also, eyes are a great indicator of your overall … Learn More » “Jeepers Peepers! Have you seen this?? Read all about it!”

Supplementing with DHEA can sometimes help with stress and/or depression in older adults.

DHEA: The regenerative miracle?

Posted on October 26 By Oregon Regenerative Medicine

Mary is a 66-year-old female who is postmenopausal, with elevated stress, osteopenia, low mood, and increased fatigue. She recently saw her general practitioner who started her on a low dose antidepressant, recommended calcium and vitamin D supplementation and encouraged counseling. After six weeks of the … Learn More » “DHEA: The regenerative miracle?”