
golfer's elbow

PRP Knocks Out Tennis & Golfer’s Elbow: Why play with pain?

Posted on March 9 By Oregon Regenerative Medicine

Pamela had always loved playing 18 holes of golf with her friends on Wednesdays. She also enjoyed doubles tennis on Tuesdays and Saturdays. Then, Pamela started having constant symptoms of tennis and golfer’s elbow. Raising her morning coffee mug caused sharp pains in her right … Learn More » “PRP Knocks Out Tennis & Golfer’s Elbow: Why play with pain?”

rotator cuff tear

Adipose Derived Stem Cells Can Heal Partial Tears of the Rotator Cuff

Posted on February 23 By Oregon Regenerative Medicine

Regenerative injection therapies help alleviate the pain associated with all sorts of common conditions. But any skeptic will look at the mounting evidence and claim that pain level is subjective and vulnerable to the placebo effect– “where is the hard evidence?” Rotator cuff tears provide … Learn More » “Adipose Derived Stem Cells Can Heal Partial Tears of the Rotator Cuff”

stem cell treatments

Stem Cell Treatments: Are they approved by FDA?

Posted on February 8 By Oregon Regenerative Medicine

The FDA has made clear that the procedures we perform at ORM are compliant with Regulatory Considerations for Human Cells, Tissues, and Cellular and Tissue-based Products (HCT/P): Minimal Manipulation and Homologous Use. This guidance confirms that our stem cell treatments, using minimally processed and micro-fragmented adipose … Learn More » “Stem Cell Treatments: Are they approved by FDA?”

PRP better than steroids

Is PRP better than steroids for frozen shoulder?

Posted on January 26 By Oregon Regenerative Medicine

Frozen Shoulder, AKA “adhesive capsulitis”, can be very debilitating and take many months to fully overcome even with the appropriate treatment. All the more reason to be sure you get the best treatment from the moment the diagnosis is made. Head-to-head studies of treatments have … Learn More » “Is PRP better than steroids for frozen shoulder?”

patient who needs wrist surgery holding their wrist

Wrist surgery? Not so fast! Stem cells proven effective

Posted on January 11 By Oregon Regenerative Medicine

One of the most frequent disorders we see is arthritis of the wrists. The degenerative lesions of the cartilage in this chronic, non-inflammatory joint disease causes severe functional impairment, including pain, weakness, and loss of range of motion. Hand surgeons resort to surgical fusion only when … Learn More » “Wrist surgery? Not so fast! Stem cells proven effective”

lab where stem cells are processed

Mesenchymal Stem Cells…What’s better? Yours or Theirs?

Posted on December 22 By Oregon Regenerative Medicine

We all have viable mesenchymal stem cells in our own bodies, regardless of age. When we want to harness our self-healing power to improve the pain from an arthritic joint, the most evidence-based way is to use your own cells. Cells from your own body … Learn More » “Mesenchymal Stem Cells…What’s better? Yours or Theirs?”

chronic pain

Chronic Pain Increased with NSAID & Steroid Use

Posted on December 8 By Oregon Regenerative Medicine

Are you someone who reflexively reaches for the bottle of ibuprofen when you feel a twinge in your back? The common, ingrained recommendation to take NSAIDs (ibuprofen, Advil, Aleve, etc) for recently onset pain is under serious question. It may not only be ineffective, it … Learn More » “Chronic Pain Increased with NSAID & Steroid Use”

steroid injection

Knee Steroid Injection? Step Back!

Posted on November 10 By Oregon Regenerative Medicine

by Dr. Kristian Flores, MD, ND As a physiatrist, I am always looking for ways to improve functionality and quality of life for my patients. While a steroid injection can offer a quick and effective short-term solution for the treatment of pain, we now know … Learn More » “Knee Steroid Injection? Step Back!”

ultrasound guided injection

Seeing Is Believing: Why Ultrasound Expertise Matters

Posted on October 25 By Oregon Regenerative Medicine

Have you ever been to the doctor for a painful condition only to be sent away to get imaging completed? This requires scheduling another appointment, then coming back to the doctor to get the results, all the while you’re in pain without answers. While this … Learn More » “Seeing Is Believing: Why Ultrasound Expertise Matters”