
PRP vs. meniscus surgery

Is meniscus surgery a $4 billion a year scam?

Posted on October 10 By Oregon Regenerative Medicine

A study published in The New England Journal of Medicine compared outcomes of arthroscopic partial meniscus repair with sham surgery. A total of 146 patients, aged 35-60 years, were randomly assigned to undergo either arthroscopic partial meniscectomy or sham surgery with exercise. Patients in the placebo group … Learn More » “Is meniscus surgery a $4 billion a year scam?”

knee bone spurs

Knee Bone Spurs: What You Need to Know Before They Get Worse

Posted on October 1 By Oregon Regenerative Medicine

Tina, a 52-year-old female, recently received the results of an x-ray of her knee. Three months ago, she started to have pain in the inner part of her knee that had progressively worsened and affected her ability to walk. Her primary care physician ordered an … Learn More » “Knee Bone Spurs: What You Need to Know Before They Get Worse”

Safety of regenerative injection therapies

Regenerative vs. Steroid Injections: Which is safer and has better results?

Posted on August 15 By Oregon Regenerative Medicine

Often my colleagues in the primary care disciplines have a knee jerk reaction regarding the safety of PRP (Platelet-Rich Plasma) and PRF (Platelet-Rich Fibrinogen). They always ask, “What about the risk of infection?” It’s an understandable question, as an infection is the biggest complication of … Learn More » “Regenerative vs. Steroid Injections: Which is safer and has better results?”

joint articular cartilage

Joint Articular Cartilage: How to Rescue Yours

Posted on July 10 By Oregon Regenerative Medicine

Osteoarthritis causes the degeneration, or breakdown, of the structural components of a joint. The degenerative process may involve fibrocartilage, articular cartilage and bone. Having discussed the importance that fibrocartilage plays in certain joints in prior articles, here we will discuss articular cartilage, the causes for … Learn More » “Joint Articular Cartilage: How to Rescue Yours”

ultrasound image of torn meniscus

Triple your risk of knee replacement with meniscus surgery

Posted on May 30 By Oregon Regenerative Medicine

Knee meniscus tears are a conundrum for conventional medicine. That’s because surgery actually does not repair the meniscus, surgery just means removing a portion of the meniscus. And removing the damaged meniscus means removing the cushion that protects the cartilage covering the femur and the … Learn More » “Triple your risk of knee replacement with meniscus surgery”

regenerate your body

Regenerate YOU – Goal for 2024. Now is the Time!

Posted on January 4 By Oregon Regenerative Medicine

Tabitha is 66 years old and has eagerly awaited this new year. At her retirement in 2024 she had planned to travel the world with her sister. Sadly, an old tear in her meniscus now threatens Tabitha’s dream. She has debilitating pain that makes walking unbearable. Tabitha … Learn More » “Regenerate YOU – Goal for 2024. Now is the Time!”

stem cells

Arthritis of the Cervical, Thoracic and Lumbar Spine: PRP and Prolotherapy provide long-lasting relief

Posted on December 21 By Oregon Regenerative Medicine

Practicing Prolotherapy and PRP in Portland Oregon and Lake Oswego for over 30 years, I’ve treated more degenerative cervical, thoracic and lumbar arthritis of the spine than any other condition. No wonder, as nearly everyone over 40 years of age is affected to some degree. … Learn More » “Arthritis of the Cervical, Thoracic and Lumbar Spine: PRP and Prolotherapy provide long-lasting relief”

off-season injury repair includes strength training

Game-Changing Off-Season Injury Repair

Posted on August 24 By Oregon Regenerative Medicine

Attention hikers, runners, surfers, skiers, windsport, tennis and pickleballers! No matter what your sport is, it’s time to think about off-season injury repair. Carrying over pain and injury from one season to the next can take both a physical and emotional toll. Knowing that there … Learn More » “Game-Changing Off-Season Injury Repair”

muscle injury

Muscle Injury: Heat, not ice, accelerates repair

Posted on June 22 By Oregon Regenerative Medicine

We’ve been brainwashed to use ice packs after an especially strenuous workout or sports injury to lessen soreness and swelling after muscle injury. But for over 4 decades the doctors at Oregon Regenerative Medicine have discouraged ice applications, and instead encouraged circulation enhancing heat application after … Learn More » “Muscle Injury: Heat, not ice, accelerates repair”

knee stem cell injection therapy

The Longevity of Stem Cell Injection Therapy: A 2022 Study

Posted on May 25 By Oregon Regenerative Medicine

Adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cell (ADMSC) injections are a beneficial and growing therapy for musculoskeletal issues such as hip, knee and ankle osteoarthritis. As one of the leading clinics using ADMSCs, Oregon Regenerative Medicine has been perfecting this technique for over 15 years. How long can … Learn More » “The Longevity of Stem Cell Injection Therapy: A 2022 Study”