
chronic pain

Chronic Pain Increased with NSAID & Steroid Use

Posted on December 8 By Oregon Regenerative Medicine

Are you someone who reflexively reaches for the bottle of ibuprofen when you feel a twinge in your back? The common, ingrained recommendation to take NSAIDs (ibuprofen, Advil, Aleve, etc) for recently onset pain is under serious question. It may not only be ineffective, it … Learn More » “Chronic Pain Increased with NSAID & Steroid Use”

joint preservation

FDA says Watch Out for Unapproved Stem Cell Therapies!

Posted on December 9 By Oregon Regenerative Medicine

Public service video published recently by FDA warns patients about unapproved stem cell therapies by Dr. Noel Peterson, ND, DAAPM Since 2012, Oregon Regenerative Medicine has been the leader in providing FDA compliant joint preservation cell therapies-PRP and autologous micro fragmented adipose- for the relief … Learn More » “FDA says Watch Out for Unapproved Stem Cell Therapies!”

stem cells

The Science of How Your Stem Cells Can Restore Damaged Joints

Posted on November 3 By Oregon Regenerative Medicine

by Dr. Noel Peterson, ND, DAAPM Since 2012, we have been using an adipose tissue graft protocol for Regenerative Injection Therapy. We call this procedure Adipose Tissue Grafting because the FDA has made it clear that any statement that claims that stem cell therapy “repairs” … Learn More » “The Science of How Your Stem Cells Can Restore Damaged Joints”

osteoarthritis treatment

Osteoarthritis Treatment: The ultimate game plan

Posted on May 25 By Oregon Regenerative Medicine

Oregon Regenerative Medicine (ORM) offers the most comprehensive osteoarthritis treatment available. With our expertise in regenerative medicine combined with metabolic, hormonal, dietary, and movement strategies we ensure our patients get the best results possible. A Typical Osteoarthritis Treatment Success Story 63-year-old Robert comes into ORM … Learn More » “Osteoarthritis Treatment: The ultimate game plan”

injury care

Injury Care: The Definitive Guide

Posted on March 15 By Oregon Regenerative Medicine

As common as sprains and strains are, it is astounding how much misinformation persists about how to best manage injury care. Let’s set the record straight, using the best available evidence and parse the details: Inflammation and Stress Inflammation and stress are not always bad … Learn More » “Injury Care: The Definitive Guide”

back pain

Low Back Pain Responds to Precision Treatment

Posted on August 6 By Oregon Regenerative Medicine

The scientific and medical consensus on low back pain is in: it’s complicated. It is also one of the most common ailments in the world. At any given moment, there are about 31 million Americans that suffer from back pain and half of Americans report … Learn More » “Low Back Pain Responds to Precision Treatment”


Prolotherapy Most Effective in Sacroiliac Pain

Posted on May 25 By Oregon Regenerative Medicine

by Dr. Noel Peterson, ND, DAAPM One of the most common causes of low back pain is sacroiliac sprain, and Prolotherapy and PRP injections continue to be the most effective and definitive treatment I have seen in my 40+ years of practice. Sacroiliac, iliolumbar, and lumbosacral … Learn More » “Prolotherapy Most Effective in Sacroiliac Pain”

treatment gap during CO-19VID

Treatment Gap Widened by COVID-19: Why wait for a joint replacement?

Posted on May 12 By Oregon Regenerative Medicine

The treatment gap is the space between when patients begin to have joint pain but aren’t yet ready for a total joint replacement. This is where regenerative medicine truly shines. It is in this treatment gap that patients can experience profound pain relief and potentially … Learn More » “Treatment Gap Widened by COVID-19: Why wait for a joint replacement?”

nerve pain can be helped with ultrasound-guided hydrodissection

Peripheral Nerve Pain Treatment: Advanced hydrodissection workshop at ORM

Posted on December 31 By Oregon Regenerative Medicine

JF had severe left shoulder and elbow nerve pain that had not responded to conventional orthopedic treatment. For over a year he had been unable to raise his arm above his shoulder, swim or do any manual work around his house, and the pain was … Learn More » “Peripheral Nerve Pain Treatment: Advanced hydrodissection workshop at ORM”

platelet-rich plasma

PRP: 5 Ways To Harness Your Self-Healing Power

Posted on July 22 By Oregon Regenerative Medicine

Platelet Rich Plasma, more commonly known as PRP, is an emerging therapy in many different fields of medicine. At ORM, we have pioneered the use of PRP for musculoskeletal pain and orthopedics. For over 15 years, Dr. Noel Peterson  has taught hundreds of physicians in … Learn More » “PRP: 5 Ways To Harness Your Self-Healing Power”