
regenerate your body

Regenerate YOU – Goal for 2024. Now is the Time!

Posted on January 4 By Oregon Regenerative Medicine

Tabitha is 66 years old and has eagerly awaited this new year. At her retirement in 2024 she had planned to travel the world with her sister. Sadly, an old tear in her meniscus now threatens Tabitha’s dream. She has debilitating pain that makes walking unbearable. Tabitha … Learn More » “Regenerate YOU – Goal for 2024. Now is the Time!”

Dr. Stacey Guggino treating patient with platelet-rich fibrin (PRF)

PRF: Platelet-Rich Fibrin is the next generation of skin rejuvenation

Posted on September 28 By Oregon Regenerative Medicine

Have you noticed your skin sagging from volume loss, increased pore size or hyperpigmentation? Do you have a dull, dry complexion? Conventional fillers are outdated. You can now choose a fantastic natural alternative: Platelet-rich fibrin (PRF). Historically, PRF has been used in wound care and … Learn More » “PRF: Platelet-Rich Fibrin is the next generation of skin rejuvenation”

PRP benefits

The Versatility of PRP: 5 diverse applications with big benefits

Posted on September 12 By Oregon Regenerative Medicine

At Oregon Regenerative Medicine, we continue to be the leading providers of Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) and autologous stem cells in the treatment of sports injuries, joint preservation and osteoarthritis. But our pioneering expertise extends far beyond regenerative musculoskeletal medicine. Here are the other conditions where the regenerative … Learn More » “The Versatility of PRP: 5 diverse applications with big benefits”

frozen shoulder

Thawing out Frozen Shoulder: PRP provides quick relief

Posted on July 20 By Oregon Regenerative Medicine

PRP treatment for frozen shoulder has recently been shown to be the first, and possibly only, effective treatment for this painful condition. Frozen shoulder, also known as adhesive capsulitis, is one of the most common and painfully debilitating conditions affecting the shoulder. In adhesive capsulitis, … Learn More » “Thawing out Frozen Shoulder: PRP provides quick relief”

steroid injection

Knee Steroid Injection? Step Back!

Posted on November 10 By Oregon Regenerative Medicine

by Dr. Kristian Flores, MD, ND As a physiatrist, I am always looking for ways to improve functionality and quality of life for my patients. While a steroid injection can offer a quick and effective short-term solution for the treatment of pain, we now know … Learn More » “Knee Steroid Injection? Step Back!”

meniscus tears

Biocellular Therapy Bridges The Meniscus Tear Gap

Posted on March 3 By Oregon Regenerative Medicine

When Linda came to see me for knee pain she had a very common issue: nagging, up-and-down knee pain/swelling that had become increasingly worse over the last few years and now was preventing her from full participation in her hobbies and staying fit. Linda is … Learn More » “Biocellular Therapy Bridges The Meniscus Tear Gap”

shoulder arthritis

Shoulder Arthritis: Row, row, row your boat

Posted on September 3 By Oregon Regenerative Medicine

by Dr. Noel Peterson, ND, DAAPM At age 56, Charlie’s shoulder arthritis was so advanced he could no longer lift 4×8 sheets of plywood or swing his hammer as a home remodeling contractor, let alone fish the Wilson River rowing his beloved McKenzie drift boat. … Learn More » “Shoulder Arthritis: Row, row, row your boat”

partial rotator cuff tears

Partial Rotator Cuff Tears: Let’s Actually Fix Them

Posted on August 13 By Oregon Regenerative Medicine

Shoulder pain affects about 3.3 million Americans at any given time. Rotator cuff tendinopathy of the supraspinatus is the most common cause of the pain, found in 85% of symptomatic individuals1. Surgery is thought to “fix” these partial rotator cuff tears by sewing the tear … Learn More » “Partial Rotator Cuff Tears: Let’s Actually Fix Them”

stem cell results

Adipose Tissue Biocellular Results: How much can you improve?

Posted on August 5 By Oregon Regenerative Medicine

by Oregon Regenerative Medicine We have compiled our adipose tissue and cell treatment results for 6-month patient outcomes in 2017-2018, and the benefits are clear. The following statistics are for autologous adipose derived tissue grafts. Adipose is an ideal harvest tissue because, in addition to … Learn More » “Adipose Tissue Biocellular Results: How much can you improve?”

regenerative injection

The Art of Regenerative Injections

Posted on May 13 By Oregon Regenerative Medicine

Our doctors have performed over 30,000 regenerative injections on thousands of patients. Regenerative injection therapies, especially stem cell therapy, are becoming increasingly popular across the country due to their immense promise as a non-surgical route of reducing joint pain, treating osteoarthritis, and for treating female … Learn More » “The Art of Regenerative Injections”