
joint preservation

Joint Care: Cutting edge stem cells outshine the scalpel

Posted on April 13 By Oregon Regenerative Medicine

Joint care is our specialty. Hundreds of knee and hip pain patients have benefited from the micro-fractionated adipose tissue graft procedure we use at Oregon Regenerative Medicine. What follows is another study in which PRP was added to the micro-fragmented adipose and compared in 30 … Learn More » “Joint Care: Cutting edge stem cells outshine the scalpel”

rotator cuff tear

Adipose Derived Stem Cells Can Heal Partial Tears of the Rotator Cuff

Posted on February 23 By Oregon Regenerative Medicine

Regenerative injection therapies help alleviate the pain associated with all sorts of common conditions. But any skeptic will look at the mounting evidence and claim that pain level is subjective and vulnerable to the placebo effect– “where is the hard evidence?” Rotator cuff tears provide … Learn More » “Adipose Derived Stem Cells Can Heal Partial Tears of the Rotator Cuff”

stem cell treatments

Stem Cell Treatments: Are they approved by FDA?

Posted on February 8 By Oregon Regenerative Medicine

The FDA has made clear that the procedures we perform at ORM are compliant with Regulatory Considerations for Human Cells, Tissues, and Cellular and Tissue-based Products (HCT/P): Minimal Manipulation and Homologous Use. This guidance confirms that our stem cell treatments, using minimally processed and micro-fragmented adipose … Learn More » “Stem Cell Treatments: Are they approved by FDA?”

patient who needs wrist surgery holding their wrist

Wrist surgery? Not so fast! Stem cells proven effective

Posted on January 11 By Oregon Regenerative Medicine

One of the most frequent disorders we see is arthritis of the wrists. The degenerative lesions of the cartilage in this chronic, non-inflammatory joint disease causes severe functional impairment, including pain, weakness, and loss of range of motion. Hand surgeons resort to surgical fusion only when … Learn More » “Wrist surgery? Not so fast! Stem cells proven effective”

ultrasound guided injection

Seeing Is Believing: Why Ultrasound Expertise Matters

Posted on October 25 By Oregon Regenerative Medicine

Have you ever been to the doctor for a painful condition only to be sent away to get imaging completed? This requires scheduling another appointment, then coming back to the doctor to get the results, all the while you’re in pain without answers. While this … Learn More » “Seeing Is Believing: Why Ultrasound Expertise Matters”

meniscus tears

Biocellular Therapy Bridges The Meniscus Tear Gap

Posted on March 3 By Oregon Regenerative Medicine

When Linda came to see me for knee pain she had a very common issue: nagging, up-and-down knee pain/swelling that had become increasingly worse over the last few years and now was preventing her from full participation in her hobbies and staying fit. Linda is … Learn More » “Biocellular Therapy Bridges The Meniscus Tear Gap”

joint preservation

FDA says Watch Out for Unapproved Stem Cell Therapies!

Posted on December 9 By Oregon Regenerative Medicine

Public service video published recently by FDA warns patients about unapproved stem cell therapies by Dr. Noel Peterson, ND, DAAPM Since 2012, Oregon Regenerative Medicine has been the leader in providing FDA compliant joint preservation cell therapies-PRP and autologous micro fragmented adipose- for the relief … Learn More » “FDA says Watch Out for Unapproved Stem Cell Therapies!”

stem cells

The Science of How Your Stem Cells Can Restore Damaged Joints

Posted on November 3 By Oregon Regenerative Medicine

by Dr. Noel Peterson, ND, DAAPM Since 2012, we have been using an adipose tissue graft protocol for Regenerative Injection Therapy. We call this procedure Adipose Tissue Grafting because the FDA has made it clear that any statement that claims that stem cell therapy “repairs” … Learn More » “The Science of How Your Stem Cells Can Restore Damaged Joints”

osteoarthritis treatment

Osteoarthritis Treatment: The ultimate game plan

Posted on May 25 By Oregon Regenerative Medicine

Oregon Regenerative Medicine (ORM) offers the most comprehensive osteoarthritis treatment available. With our expertise in regenerative medicine combined with metabolic, hormonal, dietary, and movement strategies we ensure our patients get the best results possible. A Typical Osteoarthritis Treatment Success Story 63-year-old Robert comes into ORM … Learn More » “Osteoarthritis Treatment: The ultimate game plan”