
Non surgical treatment options for sports injuries at Oregon Regenerative Medicine in Portland

Over 90% of sports injuries don’t require surgery. So why go to a surgeon?

Posted on February 25 By Oregon Regenerative Medicine

Good question. Yet most injured athletes end up seeing a surgeon. Like Mark, who 10 years earlier had injured his right knee in a mountain bike fall. His pain and disability had worsened to the point that 2 years ago he began to consult with … Learn More » “Over 90% of sports injuries don’t require surgery. So why go to a surgeon?”

Dr. Noel Peterson practices the slow burn fitness workouts to stay in shape for water sports

Stay Fit in 30 minutes twice a week with the Slow Burn Fitness Revolution

Posted on September 26 By Oregon Regenerative Medicine

How can 30 minutes of exercise twice a week turn back your genetic clock, make new brain cells, save your heart, and prevent osteoarthritis? Dr. Noel Peterson, Oregon Regenerative Medicine Medical Director Of all the lifestyle factors affecting longevity, exercise continues to lead the pack. … Learn More » “Stay Fit in 30 minutes twice a week with the Slow Burn Fitness Revolution”