Adipose biocellular tissue grafts cells are better able to build cartilage after weight loss, according to research published in the International Journal of Obesity in November of 2012. Researchers found that obesity caused by diet can alter the health of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs). They demonstrated that stem cells build cartilage better if MSCs are harvested from adipose of lean mice. These stem cells showed better ability to differentiate into osteoblasts and chondroblasts; the cells responsible for bone growth and cartilage growth. Meanwhile, mice who were fed a lard-enriched high-fat diet, had MSCs more capable of differentiating into more adipose (fat) cells and less into bone and cartilage.
Adipose tissue is rich in Biocellular tissues and are the main source of tissues used for treating osteoarthritis at Oregon Regenerative Medicine. They are harvested from areas that contain adipose tissues and then transplanted back into joints where they are capable of helping to regenerate the tissues that support bone and cartilage growth. The findings of this study promote the need for weight reduction and a healthy diet in people who are pursuing Orthobiologic therapies for osteoarthritis of the hips and knees.
At ORM, we help our patients quickly achieve healthy weight loss with our proven weight loss protocol. Be kind to your joints and talk to us about our healthy and fast weight loss program.
Reference: C-L Wu, BO Diekman, D Jain and F Guilak, Diet-induced obesity alters the differentiation potential of stem cells isolated from bone marrow, adipose tissue and infrapatellar fat pad: the effects of free fatty acids. International Journal of Obesity (2013) 37, 1079–1087.